Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Falling Behind Already

Well, it appears I am not off to a very good start with my blog and I have a lot of catching up to do.

It snowed so much over the week of Christmas. Luckily, I was taking some time off from work, but I really couldn’t go anywhere because of the snow. I did get some cute pictures of the dogs (Savvy and Kaylee), cat (Katie), and of the boyfriend.

I got a candy apple red electric guitar, Fender Starcaster. It is so sweet! I have learned three power notes so far. I have a long way to go, but it is fun to play.

Christmas Eve our modem died. We thought we had to wait two days to get a new modem, but we actually had an extra. I do not know what we would have done if we didn’t have internet for two days. It would have been horrible!!! Maybe that is a tad bit of an exaggeration because I still would have been able to play video games. It would have been a little sad though because I had gotten the expansion for WoW the night before as a present. I could have chosen any of my other consoles to play though.

I baked a ton of cookies on Christmas Eve; Sour Cream Cookies, Snickerdoodles, Macaroons, and Molasses Cookies with a Vanilla Buttercream Frosting. I also made some molasses dog biscuits, which they absolutely love. My macaroons turned out a little on the sugary side. I was a little disappointed, but my egg whites wouldn’t stiffen so I did not know what to do.

The day after Christmas we went to Comcast, our cable company, and we stood in line for almost an hour to get a DVR. Ugh! While it was a long wait, my boyfriend is thrilled we have DVR now. He DVR’d a ton of House episodes. Great show, but I think I am having House overload.

Our Christmas tree is dead already. For some reason it seemed like it did not like the water we gave it. I think the garbage people aren’t picking up the trees until next weekend, which is a major bummer. We can’t turn on the lights on the tree because we are afraid it may catch on fire. The boyfriend is in charge of taking down the lights and ornaments tomorrow.

That’s all for now!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Netflix on Xbox

So I absolutely love what they have done with Xbox and the new update that was installed. NXE, which included an update for Netflix instant play movies. I recently finished watching 30 Rock seasons 1 and 2. Love it! I do wish there were more current movies on instant, but there are some classics, such as Mad Max, Lady Hawke, and of course one my all time favorites Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man.

In fact, I just got done watching Meet Bill and it was okay. Bill was supposed to be a mentor for this kid, but the kid was more of a mentor to Bill. It was an only going to watch this movie once type movie.

Earlier today, my boyfriend and I braved the snow and went shopping. We went to Petco and bought some antlers and an elf hat to put on our dogs.... taking pictures of them is a work in progress. I hope to have something better to post tomorrow.

We also went to this store called Paint Away and we painted our 1st Christmas Ornament, which is going to be our tradition every year for the coming years. Technically this is our 3rd Christmas together, but we have not officially bought our "1st ornament."
The snow is insane! I saw on the news yesterday that it had snowed in Vegas. Isn't it supposed to be like 70-80 degrees there right now? I was in shock when I saw that. We have gotten a few more inches of new snow so far today and there is supposed to be a hige wind storm tonight. Hopefully we do not lose power if that happens.
That's all for today!

Friday, December 19, 2008

First Blog & Chrono Trigger

I decided to make a blog to talk about my life-happenings and games I am currently playing. So to start off yes, I am a girl and I do play video games

I am actually watching Tropic Thunder right now and it is pretty freaking hilarious. Robert Downey Jr is so brilliant, especially in Iron Man.

Currently, I am playing Chrono Trigger for the DS. This is a classic game that I used to play back in the day on the old SNES. I just saved the Guru of Life Melchior and I am now heading to the Ocean Palace to save the day once again. So for anyone that hasn't experienced Chrono Trigger and they have a DS this is a definite buy.