For Memorial Day weekend, Evan and I flew down to California to visit Kacie and Peter. I love their cute little house, especially their kitchen.
When we landed, Kacie picked us up from the airport. We had decided in advance that we would eat dinner when we landed. Kacie had already made the reservations at a restaurant called The Rok. It was so amazingly yummy and I think one of Evan's favorite places to eat now. What I liked about it was the fondue, but the main attraction of the restaurant is that you cook your meat (Steak, Chicken, Fish, etc) on a hot rock. The meat is already pre-seasoned, but you can add sauces to dip or cook with on the stone. Evan ordered the steak and he cooked it so determined-like on the stone. I tried a bite of it and oh my gosh, it was extremely delightful. My main focus though was the cheddar cheese and the milk and dark chocolate dessert fondues we ordered and shared. It was my first time having the cheddar cheese fondue and I am definitely torn between the swiss and the cheddar both are very tasty. They had all sorts of interesting things to dip into the chocolate fondue including rice krispie treats and oreo covered marshmallows. Although, I think my favorites are the bananas and the pound cake.
On Saturday, we had a nice relaxing time by the pool and laying out in the sun. We went to the farmers market that day and I tasted the most wonderful fruit, a white nectarine. Kacie purchased all sorts of fruit to make a fruit salad with dinner. Peter barbequed chicken, burgers, and corn-on-the-cob. Mmmmm corn. We went to the movies that evening and saw Star Trek. I think it one of the best movies I have seen in a while. I did feel like a big nerd because I knew all of the Trekie jokes in the movie, but at least I was not the only one because Peter got them too.
The next day we decided to go to Santa Cruz - to the Board Walk. We were trying to make a stop before we went to the boardwalk at the Mystery Spot, but it was fully booked. We should have known since it was a holiday weekend. It is supposed to be a "gravitational anomaly" and it looked rather interesting, maybe next time.
The Beach Boardwalk was fun. had been there before, but since Evan had not been we decided to go there. Kacie and I went a few years back and we had a blast. Of course at that time it wasn't as crowded and as busy as when we went this time. Our favorite rides to go on were the Big Dipper roller coaster and the Bumper Cars. The Logger's Revenge is fun, but you can get pretty soaked. It is better to do that one early so you can dry off in the sun when it isn't so cold. The Carousel is also fun because if you sit on the outside you can grab the metal rings that are dispensed and try to throw them in the clown's mouth (Not a real clown). The guys tried the deep fried Twinkies. I did want to try it myself, but I just was not hungry. Evan said it was good and did not really taste like a Twinkie.
Bumper Car Races

I had scheduled our flight to leave early afternoon on Monday, although it would have been nice to stay longer. Thanks to Evan for suggesting bagels for breakfast, Peter and Kacie took us to Starbucks and Noah's Bagels, they were connected, which was absolutely brilliant. I had not been to Noah's Bagels in a while and it made me remember how good bagels are.
When we got home our dogs were so happy to see us. Our little mini vacation was exactly what I needed. I felt refreshed and relaxed when I got home. I wished it could have been a little longer, but getting home early kept the relaxation set in.